12 Words To Use for Your Next Savage Comeback

Friday, October 112 min read

How often do you get into an argument and think of the perfect comeback … three days later? To take down your opponent, tired vocabulary will not suffice. That comeback has to be spectacular if it’s going to make an impact. Confuse and conquer your foes with your linguistic wit; here are some words to keep on the tip of your tongue the next time you’re caught in conflict.


"Zoilist" comes from the name Zoilus. And who was Zoilus? He was one of Homer’s biggest critics. Yes, that Homer, the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey. Fittingly, a "zoilist" is a bitter and baseless critic. At least they won't be able to criticize your vocabulary.


A "grumbletonian" is exactly what it sounds like. These people grumble all the time and can’t stop complaining. Their complaints often relate to political affairs. Maybe you’ll have a few grumbletonians at Thanksgiving dinner this year.


While not quite as self-explanatory as "grumbletonian," "cockalorum" comes from the Dutch word kockeloeren (to crow) and references a rooster’s strut. A "cockalorum" is a boastful person who thinks quite a lot of themselves.


This word first popped up in the late 19th century amid tumultuous American politics. A "snollygoster" is someone who doesn’t have many moral scruples but is good at getting what they want.


If you’ve heard the term “gasbag,” you know what a "gasser" is. It’s someone who talks forever, even if no one is listening, and usually about themselves. They also have a tendency to brag. You’ll probably find a few gassers in politics or on the news.


A "poltroon" is a coward. The word comes from the French poltron and Italian poltro. In both languages, the word means “sluggard,” which has a similar meaning — that person will avoid doing something at all costs.


A rumgumptious person is rude and offensive. They’re also pompous and think they know better than you. The phrase dates back to the late 18th century — it seems people like this have always been around.


A "rakefire" will stay in your house, chatting and eating your food until the house burns down and all that’s left are the ashes. It’s someone who has long overstayed their welcome and probably won’t get the hint that it’s time for them to leave.


An "abydocomist" is someone who starts a false rumor and spreads it. They might even brag about being the source of such slander. The term comes from the city of Abydos in Ancient Egypt, where the locals were supposedly famous for their falsehoods.


Ultracrepidarians think they know everything, but their information is based on assumption rather than fact. These know-it-alls are happy to offer unsolicited advice, even if they have no idea what they’re talking about.


An ultracrepidarian is probably a snoutband, too. A snoutband constantly interrupts the conversation to tell you how wrong you are. They take pleasure in being argumentative.


"Bobolyne" and "pillock" are synonyms for fool. "Bobolyne" originated with the Tudors – created by one of Henry VIII’s teachers, poet John Skelton.

You can tell that some of these words were created for specific uses and have evolved over the years. So the next time you’re stuck in an argument, pull out one of these clever insults, or feel free to create your own! If the burn is fierce enough, it just might catch on.

Photo Credit: Khosrork/ iStock

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