Part of speech: adjective
Origin: Latin, 16th century
New or modern; recent.
Examples of Neoteric in a sentence
"Even though his father has a bookshelf of classic literature, Tom only wants to read neoteric works."
"The university’s gallery is the hub of the city’s neoteric art scene."
About Neoteric
“Neoteric” is based on the Latin “neotericus,” meaning “modern.”
Did you Know?
While the adjective “neoteric” dates back to the 17th century, there was a group of first-century BCE Latin poets known as “Neoterics.” These poets were modern rebels for their time: They rejected the classical styles of epic poetry (such as the works of Homer) and wrote poems full of jokes, puns, and references to (then) modern society. The best-known Neoteric poet is Catullus, though today the word “neoteric” simply calls to mind that which is new and modern — the cutting-edge poets of 2,100 years ago are largely forgotten.