All Words > Withal

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Part of speech: adverb

Origin: Middle English, 12th century


In addition; as a further factor or consideration.


All the same; nevertheless (used when adding something that contrasts with a previous comment).

Examples of Withal in a sentence

"Anthony’s new electric car is cheap to fuel, and fast withal."

"The weather called for sunny skies, but it rained withal."

About Withal

“Withal” arose out of the English expression “with all.”

Did you Know?

In its most basic meaning, “withal” is similar in its function as an adverb to the expressions “as well,” “also,” and “too.” Like those adverbs sometimes do, “withal” tends to occur at the end of a sentence. It can also be used similarly to “nevertheless” or “however” to indicate that the information it is adding contrasts with any expectations arising from the preceding information. It was used more frequently in English from the 12th century on through the end of the middle ages, but it dropped out of use around the beginning of the 20th century.

illustration Withal

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