All Words > Concatenate

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Part of speech: verb

Origin: Latin, 15th century


Link (things) together in a chain or series.

Examples of Concatenate in a sentence

"One of the first things I learned in my virtual computer science class was to concatenate, or string together, a list of variables."

"Instead of scrolling a long list of individual tweets, it’s easier to use an app that concatenates strings of tweets into a single thread."

About Concatenate

“Concatenate” is based on the Latin “concatēnāre,” meaning “to link together.”

Did you Know?

“Concatenate” is a very old word with many modern applications. It entered English from Latin in the 15th century — first as an adjective describing things chained together, then as a verb describing that chaining. “Concatenate” has become an important verb for the age of abundant digital data. Microsoft Excel includes the option to “concatenate data,” and data-entry workers might enter reams of unorganized information, and later concatenate it into more accessible databases for easier searching and reading.

illustration Concatenate

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