All Words > Mirth

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Part of speech: noun

Origin: Old English, pre-12th century


Amusement, especially as expressed in laughter.

Examples of Mirth in a sentence

"I was full of mirth while watching the holiday parade."

"The silly cartoons inspired chuckles of mirth from the kids."

About Mirth

The noun "mirth" comes from the Old English word "myrgth," which is of Germanic origin. The original meaning is related to the adjective "merry," meaning "cheerful and lively." Use "mirth" when you're so amused that you can't control your laughter.

Did you Know?

Look up "mirth" in the dictionary, and you'll also find an entry for "mirthquake." This punny portmanteau means "an extremely funny play, film, or other entertainment" — essentially something that inspires body-shaking chuckles of mirth.

illustration Mirth

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