All Words > Causerie

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Part of speech: noun

Origin: French, 19th century


An informal article or talk, typically on a literary subject.

Examples of Causerie in a sentence

"As we walked, Tom improvised a causerie about the works of Virginia Woolf."

"Our dinner discussion turned into a causerie about the “James Bond” novels."

About Causerie

“Causerie” is based on the French expression “causer,” meaning “to talk,” which itself is based on the Latin “causārī,” meaning “to debate or dispute.”

Did you Know?

The difference between a causerie and a lecture is informality. In the original French, the term “causerie” refers to “a chat” or “a chin-wag,” but rather than simply talking about anything, “causerie” marries an informal type of conversation with a subject of some depth, such as literature. Educational discussions of literature can be very formal. By contrast, a causerie offers those who love literature the opportunity to have informal chats that nonetheless approach the subject in detail. Consider calling your next book club chat a “causerie.”

illustration Causerie

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